Reiki I Attunement
Start your Reiki journey with our Reiki 1 Attunement and Training.
This comprehensive course, with Bo, an experienced Reiki Master, offers a start into the ancient art of Reiki healing. The focus of Level I is self-healing and helping others to heal.
Perfect for beginners and those looking to enrich their spiritual path, our programme includes a detailed manual and a hands-on attunement.
You'll learn the fundamentals of energy healing, the Reiki principles, the Chakra System and techniques to harness universal energy for self-healing and wellness.
Usui Reiki I training, attunement & manual supplied.
All attunements are in-person.
Start your Reiki journey with our Reiki 1 Attunement and Training.
This comprehensive course, with Bo, an experienced Reiki Master, offers a start into the ancient art of Reiki healing. The focus of Level I is self-healing and helping others to heal.
Perfect for beginners and those looking to enrich their spiritual path, our programme includes a detailed manual and a hands-on attunement.
You'll learn the fundamentals of energy healing, the Reiki principles, the Chakra System and techniques to harness universal energy for self-healing and wellness.
Usui Reiki I training, attunement & manual supplied.
All attunements are in-person.
Start your Reiki journey with our Reiki 1 Attunement and Training.
This comprehensive course, with Bo, an experienced Reiki Master, offers a start into the ancient art of Reiki healing. The focus of Level I is self-healing and helping others to heal.
Perfect for beginners and those looking to enrich their spiritual path, our programme includes a detailed manual and a hands-on attunement.
You'll learn the fundamentals of energy healing, the Reiki principles, the Chakra System and techniques to harness universal energy for self-healing and wellness.
Usui Reiki I training, attunement & manual supplied.
All attunements are in-person.